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you think you like driving??

you think you like driving??

Postby nymphetomine » Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:37 am

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Re: you think you like driving??

Postby Drew » Mon Oct 31, 2011 3:03 pm

Lol, the first 3 roads I would love to drive.. without the traffic of course.

Ha scarriest roads I have been on were in Mexico. Mostly due to the people tho.

So we're in ensenada on a weekend trip. My friend meets some chick the night before and thinks she's actually gonna meet up with him the next day, so he loans me his car. Could have been a mistake as it came within inches of falling in the ocean.. lol. Anyway, so the other 2 of us drove south in search of some surf. Man we are just getting passed left and right during curves.. ok crazy people. So we find a surf spot and decide we are way too ametuer for that. Lets see where this road leads, dirt road along the ocean. All is good and we are having a blast. we came along a sandy part (we are in a Nissan extera so I decide to pretend I'm in the baja 1000) and I hit the gas.. weee... Well I got going pretty good and while going over a bump it got a little squirly, and jumped left over some grass hump. Towards the ocean, good thing I know how to drive and it was no big deal to recover. So I bring the truck to stop and look out the window... I say to my friend I can't see any ground down there, just water. :o

Ok so we keep driving but the road gets a little more treacherous. No way we were getting through without the 4 wheel drive. We have now been driving for a few hours on this road. So I stop and we discuss turning around or keep on truckin. Mind you we have no map or GPS. But figured we are traveling north towards ensenada and this road just has to go somewhere right? Ok lets keep going.. all is well until we come around this bend and there is the biggest freaking bull I have ever seen blocking the road. He just stood there starring at us with his HUGE horns. I look at my friend and go oh shit and roll up the windows :D :D what's that gonna do, yeah it was a seriously funny moment at the time. But seriously I was was worried the thing may charge and pop a hole in our radiator. I contemplated backing up, the bull didn't respond to a honk. Just stood there dead still staring at us. I decided fuck it I'm charging... Lol as soon as inched forward he took off. Ha. Anyway now the sun is setting and there is still no sign of getting off this road. the whole time on this road past the surf spot we did not see another car, person or settlement. Another couple of hours later and we finally exit only to find a military road block.. oh great.

Nah, those guys were actually pretty cool as they saw our surf boards. They still did a mandatory search, but we chatted it up with the guys for a bit.

We roll back into our hotel around 11 pm well over 12 hours since we left. My friend asks wtf? I say you don't want to know, just be glad you still have a truck :D

Ok, so that was the fun part.. now for the scarry part.

Its time to go home so we decide to try to avoid the Tijuana / San Diego crossing nightmare and head towards tecate. Big open highway.. no big deal right? Wrong.. people are freaking maniacs. They pass at really fast speeds into oncoming traffic in the middle of a turn. Not to mention we are on big cliffs with no gaurd rails. The turns themselves are not too scarry but add in the drivers and it's a nightmare. We saw so many wrecked car shells at the bottom of these valleys. I'm like yeah, you know no one was around to help these people. Anyway traffic starts to get backed up behind this big dressed up bus. I know you've seen them, all decked out and overcrowded. So people start passing us from behind to go around this bus, we get pushed behind. Then my friend decides to follow just as we get into a down hill curve. He gets scarred and backs off. So right after the curve looks clear he goes for it. Mean while the bus gets pushed tight from being passed in a curve and runs off road. He gets back on the road just as we start to pass. Dust is flying, the bus is fishtailing (never seen a bus fishtail before) I'm in the back and grab both oh shit handles on either side. I yell noooooo, the driver yells aaarrrrrrrr and puts the pedal too the floor... Oh fuck.... Oh my God we made it but that bus was inches from taking us out!

Anyway we made it to the boarder and it was all backed up just like Tijuana. But at least we got a story out of it. My friends dropped me off east of LA cause I had a work thing down there and was going to fly back to SF in another week.

Never been so glad to get out of a car...

Ok that's my crazy road trip story what's yours?

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Re: you think you like driving??

Postby nymphetomine » Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:03 pm

my weirdest road experience would be the outback of australia.. where you can drive as fast as you want, becoz there is no1 to check.. and you can really drive for hours at the time without seeing ANYONE, and the road almost have no turns or corners.. so just one damned long straight empty road. and if your car gets fucked up (no radiato liquid, no petrol/diesel, 2 flat tires.. name it..) it can take hours or days before someone sees you. and combine the with 45 degrees celsius..
so i always travel with 3 days food, water and 25 liter extra petrol.. haha
it's awsom!! but lonely
but than again.. i'm only 21 and lived the past 7 months in a village without traffic lights... so not to much driving experience :laugh2: :laugh2:
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Re: you think you like driving??

Postby Noodlez » Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:33 am

Thank the lawd I drive stick...getting through those roads on an automatic would make me literally poop my pants
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Re: Re: you think you like driving??

Postby Drew » Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:47 am

Noodlez wrote:Thank the lawd I drive stick...getting through those roads on an automatic would make me literally poop my pants

The exterra was stick ;)

But my friends that drive off road trucks say automatics are easier to handle. I prefer sticks myself, but I own autos so the wife can drive them. She learned to drive with a stick, she just doesn't want one here in San Francisco. The hills make traffic lights with traffic a pain, not to mention parallel parking.

Ahh that's why I have the motorcycle ;)

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Re: you think you like driving??

Postby twistedblister » Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:16 pm

congrats to drew on the longest damn post in awhile wooooo.

be safe out there.

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Re: you think you like driving??

Postby fishki » Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:26 pm

lol drew got bored so he wrote a novel :yeh: thats funny about playing chicken with that big ass bull :laugh2:

some of those roads look damn fun, the one with the partial tunnel walls looks cool as hell

I watch those deadliest road shows on tv with the ice road truckers driving those trucks, no freakin way would i do that, i might do it on a bicycle, maybe.

since im in kansas we dont really get any good driving stories around here, unless you count swerving to miss a cow or something :(
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Re: you think you like driving??

Postby Drew » Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:09 pm

Yeah, I was bored lol. And I like to drive. Driven coast to coast a couple of times, but not in one shot.

Lol, cows could be a big deal if you hit one. Ouch

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