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Latest Message: 11 months, 4 weeks ago
  • fishki : Whos that ???
  • krazykat : Hi, I hope everyone is doing well!
  • fishki : Lol still up and running
  • Noodlez : testing...1....2...is this thing on?
  • fishki : Covid sucks.... I got it
  • fishki : Still here
  • fishki : maybe
  • nymphetomine : all good?
  • fishki : ok
  • nymphetomine : yes
  • fishki : no
  • nymphetomine : :D
  • fishki : you can be king of anything you want :D
  • nymphetomine : imma be king of the chat
  • fishki : Nah, go for it....
  • krazykat : Is it too late to gun for most prolific site poster?
  • nymphetomine : sup cuties
  • fishki : whos there...
  • sportsnut : Knock knock...
  • nymphetomine : im a lefty now
  • nymphetomine : just a scratch.... and severed my main artery, main tendon of the wrist and the nerve to my thumb, index finger and middle finger. so no feeling there. all stitched up now, following therapy and not allowed to work. hope to have function back by the end of october or november ish
  • fishki : Holy shit dude! Hope it wasn't to severe, chainsaws are dangerous as hell, I tagged my leg with one years ago, not a fun time.
  • nymphetomine : good to hear, i've been less fortunate. sliced my wrist with a chainsaw at work, which made for an interesting injury. rehab is in progress tho
  • fishki : hey nymph, yep alive and well, busy as shit.. how ya been?
  • nymphetomine : the fish lives!!!
  • fishki : hope everyone has survived this shitstorm
  • Noodlez : hey guys hope ya holding up fine during this nonsense
  • fishki : yes shit sherlock
  • nymphetomine : no shit, sherlock
  • fishki : Every. Body. Poops.
  • nymphetomine : You can not escape the almighty bunghole
  • fishki : are you the great cornholio o.0
  • nymphetomine : need teepee 4 my bunghole
  • fishki : I need some damn bread...
  • nymphetomine : hey, hope all of you are staying healthy and safe with this whole corona deal going on
  • Noodlez : I made a discord I'd have to get the app again
  • nymphetomine : Noodlez, you on discord? Fish accept my friend req, I'm on it as Nomad
  • fishki : omfg Noodlez 30 just sounds so young
  • Noodlez : Nymph!!! You young whippersnapper you
  • nymphetomine : Whooooow hold your horses, I still got 10 months to go till I'm 30. Not as old as the rest of yous ;)

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