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Heavy Rain 6.5 out of 10

Heavy Rain 6.5 out of 10

Postby twistedblister » Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:37 pm

ok first i like it. dont misunderstnd.

I just dont think its ground breaking. 10 out of 10 would demand percise reaction to button pressing and being able to understnad what you need to do and see those options and have the game react the way you chose for it to. it did not always for me.

second this is dragonslair. or D ok not a bad thing just not ground breaking.

the cost. 60 somthing bucks not worth it. if you have not bought it bargin bin it.

its deffintly a must play / see but full price IDK. not IMHO

good story grity dark twisted all excellent. some cheese palying house in the tutorial stage but meh. i forgive it.

ha just for those who did pay up to play. Did you do the oragami thing at first install. i am a dork. ha. i did . :-)

ok i am not saying dont play this. just fyi its not groundbreaking or paradigm shifting but it is a great ride.

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Re: Heavy Rain 6.5 out of 10

Postby gabrile23 » Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:07 pm

I think its alot too if your only going for one play thru. But I think the replay abilty of the game is what ppl love. Ive heard that you can chose whichever chapter you want too replay or play the whole game over and play it diffrent each time to see the diffrent outcomes of your action. I really want to play it but I honestly did'nt want to pay the 60 bucks for a game I could beat and platinum in a week.
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Re: Heavy Rain 6.5 out of 10

Postby twistedblister » Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:34 pm

i get the multiple endings or outcomes depending on how you chose to paly could be cool and i am not knocking that.

anyone every buy those adventure books in the ealry 80's ( yes people reading was attempting to give you interaction. if you chose to do this turn to page 1 or if you chose to do this turn to page 2)

i like the story is living and can change but its not that interactive and not that original of a concept. i am diging the story and the atmosphere and the well the game is excellent but deffinitly not 60 bucks worth.

i will probalby not palythrough it again. it is frustrating if you miss a quick time and it saves you cant go back. wow little pressure with a wonky interface. not a good persciption for happiness.

I do like it just yeah most people should problbay rent it. I am seriously more of a free roaming task quest guy.

that said its a great idea to give you a hell of alot of content and story. just again not seeing the 60 price tag worth it. I know they spent tons making it but man its just not on the level with so many other games. meh. just my thought.s

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