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Question....(That none of you can answer, probably)

Question....(That none of you can answer, probably)

Postby stickcult » Sun May 18, 2008 10:02 am

Does anyone know if I will brick my PS3 if I were to install firmware 2.35 for european PS3s onto my North American PS3? The reason I'm asking is that I have a (formerly) 40 gig ps3, so no backwords compatibilty, but no PS3s in Europe never had it, so there's an emulator in their firmware that we don't have. I want that emulator.

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Re: Question....(That none of you can answer, probably)

Postby fishki » Sun May 18, 2008 10:35 am

i think the european emulator is still seriously limited on playing ps2 games, since they cut out the datamoniter chip and replaced with software

I think the 40 will play ps1 games tho
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Re: Question....(That none of you can answer, probably)

Postby stickcult » Sun May 18, 2008 10:41 am

Yeah, it can't run them all, but it can run a few. Also, I'm not saying I'm going to do this, because there are better PS3 games I still need to buy, but it would be nice to know...

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Re: Question....(That none of you can answer, probably)

Postby twistedblister » Sun May 18, 2008 11:34 am

stickcult wrote:Yeah, it can't run them all, but it can run a few. Also, I'm not saying I'm going to do this, because there are better PS3 games I still need to buy, but it would be nice to know...

when in doubt wait and let someone else go first. PS

if you need a copy of yellow dog 5.o i will mail it to you just PM me your physical mailing address. unless i can double check but i did not think you could download it since they are trying to sell 6.

That and make sure you are using a DVI at minimum on your monitor or HDMI prefferably. ohterwise you go into text install and i might not be able to help you there.

One last bummer. You will probably have to reformat your drive again. at that point you are offered an option to split the HD into one chunch or two. they are uneaven so use the small one for the yellow dog.

now lastly if you use 5.0 like me once a new firmware comes out it will scramble 5.0 boot alternating menu and it wont boot back into the PS3 the gui way. you have to reboot and wait till the kerneal text is scrolling its stops at a paticluar statemnet. i have to look it up you then type "boot-game-os" and you are good to go. agrivating but it still changes the OS.


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Re: Question....(That none of you can answer, probably)

Postby elkhoury » Sun May 18, 2008 11:43 am

no clue.

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Re: Question....(That none of you can answer, probably)

Postby stickcult » Sun May 18, 2008 11:54 am

TB, I probably won't seriously consider doing this until there's a PS2 game that catches my eye, maybe some RPG or something. Though, it would be a cool proof-of-concept thing... My only concern is resoting a back up to the hard drive after I switch them, because I don't know how much, if any, of the OS is stored in that...

Also, about YD, v5 was free right? It seems some version of it is available for download at their site.
I just need a USB keyboard and mouse...

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Re: Question....(That none of you can answer, probably)

Postby twistedblister » Sun May 18, 2008 12:30 pm

stickcult wrote:TB, I probably won't seriously consider doing this until there's a PS2 game that catches my eye, maybe some RPG or something. Though, it would be a cool proof-of-concept thing... My only concern is resoting a back up to the hard drive after I switch them, because I don't know how much, if any, of the OS is stored in that...

Also, about YD, v5 was free right? It seems some version of it is available for download at their site.
I just need a USB keyboard and mouse...

sorry hardware issues. i crashed.

as for the emulator. i dont have anyexperiance wiht that so i cant help there. yes 5.o is still free. I was putting in a linnk and some adivse when i crashed.

trusted site to download the iso click the blue link with the PS3 in the file title near the top. depending on your connection it mgiht take 3 hours or less.

good info on page 4 of the instructions
http://www.terrasoftsolutions.com/suppo ... _guide.pdf

and from page four
Transfer control of your PS3 to Linux
Before you install Yellow Dog Linux, you must temporarily transfer control of
your PS3 to the Yellow Dog Linux installer. This is done using a bootloader. The
bootloader installer installs the bootloader and is pre-installed by Sony with the
GameOS. The bootloader "kboot" allows the GameOS to transfer authority to
Yellow Dog Linux. Kboot is included on the YDL Install DVD in the directory
/ps3/otheros directory and called "otheros.bld".

Now i had to put the Kboot onto a flash drive inorder to kick this off.
After you have the operating system in your hands and on a disc, there are a couple steps you need to take to get it installed. First, you need to partition your PS3's hard drive using the Format utility in the Cross Media Bar. Oddly enough, you can only set aside 10GB to either the other OS or the PS3 for gaming/video/music purposes. In other words, if you have the 60GB system, you can't do 30/30; you can only do 50/10, though you can choose which OS gets 10GB and which gets the rest. Note that this will erase everything on the drive, including your saves, so you'll want to back them up first.

After formatting the drive, you need to create the installer. Using either a flash drive or a blank recordable disc of some sort, you need to download two files - Sony's bootloader installer and the actual bootloader. The bootloader installer comes from Sony itself and is simply used to start the installation of a third-party bootloader. This bootloader will then let you choose between starting Linux or the GameOS (a.k.a. the Cross Media Bar for playing games). Getting these files copied over and run is a pretty straightforward process that is nicely explained in the Yellow Dog Install Guide.

from the article on ign. http://ps3.ign.com/articles/748/748255p1.html

here is a link to an article with a link to get and download the boot laoder and put it on a USB stick like i did
from that link

Get Bootloader

You'll need a memory card or usb flash disk. On it create a directory called PS3 then another inside it called otheros. Then download/copy this into it: www.terrasoftsolutions.com/support/inst ... theros.bld (right click and 'save as' - then call it otheros.bld).

Then take it to your PS3, plug it in, and:

* Settings -> System Settings -> Install Other OS

* The PS3 will find the otheros.bld so just confirm it's installation.

* Now to get your PS3 ready to install Linux: Settings -> System Settings -> Default System -> Other OS

Please note that now your PS3 will boot to Other OS all the time, once Linux is installed, to get it to boot back to the PS3 OS you'll need to either type: boot-game-os [ENTER] at the kboot prompt OR hold down the power button on the PS3 for five seconds (this will revert to default settings for your PS3).


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Re: Question....(That none of you can answer, probably)

Postby stickcult » Sun May 18, 2008 12:34 pm

fun...3 hours...

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Re: Question....(That none of you can answer, probably)

Postby twistedblister » Sun May 18, 2008 12:48 pm

stickcult wrote:fun...3 hours...

ha yeah and thats just downloading it. take anohther 2 to 3 for installing and updating.

please see the above links and quotes

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