Wow fish, looks like you were pretty far away. Actually a 5.2 is a pretty big smaller quake. You can get some damage with that. We get a lot of 3's and 4' here. Only felt 1 or 2 above 5. And they were pretty good, but farther away. Most are usually really quick so they don't seem too bad.
I'm kind of surprised you felt it. Though sometimes if you're just in the right spot you totally feel it. But you text your friend who work a few blocks away and he's like what quake.. lol. Happens in reverse too, I get quite a few texts asking if I felt it... Nope not this time ha
Yeah I'm scared for the building destruction ones. I guess anything above 7 would be pretty scary. No idea how a 6.x would be.
Here is the usgs current quake map, you can see that spot in oaklahoma has been pretty busy. Then look at my side of the country...'m in San Francisco if you don't remember.
- sent from my Wired Evo -