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Good fights.

Good fights.

Postby twistedblister » Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:29 pm

a ncie place to high five after some good battles :-)

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Re: Good fights.

Postby twistedblister » Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:30 pm

good fighting drew. damn i am scared i am depending to much on my turrets. i dont want to get weak becase of them

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Re: Good fights.

Postby Drew » Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:50 am

Yeah, there were some alright games tonight :)

As for turrets I try to set them up mostly for protection for a base or spawn. Man that tdm was fun tonight. By far my best game ever. Funny as I didn't realise it was going to be tdm at first. I went out to set up a side base for flag attacks, then everyone started spawning there. I was like wow, no one ever comes to help with my bases. That's when I noticed the scoring and kicked into high gear. Good times, I was wishing that game would have gone another 5 or 10 minutes.

Man I wish people would play ctf like they do tdm. Get out of the home base and attack, build some outposts. Seems like everyone just likes to kick it at home and build super fortress in ctf. I like to build too and actually find I get caught building by people in hawks a lot. Mostly because I'm all alone trying to build and hold a base away from home.

That first full ctf game we played I was trying to bring some land mines to your home base. But that wasn't working :(

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Re: Good fights.

Postby twistedblister » Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:48 pm

ha cool yeah that was a brutal fun game.

dont be to hard on the people who cant team play yet. its beta. when it gets full release then if you play in a clan and people cant coporate. switch :)

if its random join free for all then i still dont think you can get mad becase its like a pick up game. who knows who is good and who is nuts.

there is a potential deep startegy to the ctf though some it depends on what your good at if you can build and manage resources and dont mind staring at the map. you should be a builder. so far i knind of jack of all trades.

one thing that blows is you cant buddy join like in warhawk yet.

damn drew i dont ever seem to be on the same team as you. ha whats up with that.

i dont have a laser turret kill yet.

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