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N4G PS INFO! 11/09/08 v1.10

N4G PS INFO! 11/09/08 v1.10

Postby Guest » Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:33 am

Aggg My last thread i tried creating took 1hr to make and bam it froze while going into the post. So this one might not be as neat and will come in little bits so my computer doesn't freeze again.

The Updates :]

Monday: 5pm CST
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This will be updated 2-3 times a day.

N4G Daily Updated PS INFO!

LittleBigPlanet Getting Moderated Without Warning!


If you're a big fan of user levels in LittleBigPlanet, the advice of the day seems to be this -- don't get too attached to them. Reports have been coming in of levels being "moderated" without warning. That's a polite way of saying they're getting deleted, and users are not being given the courtesy of an explanation.
The main issue seems to be over copyrighted material -- which kind of cuts the scope of what players can do in half, really. Levels based on Metal Gear Solid or Sonic the Hedgehog are being taken down, even if they merely contain a few items based upon the IP. Once a level is deleted, you can't even just take out the offending items and republish. The level's gone, and you have to start over from scratch. Great news for people who spent an hour or so crafting something.
The copyright issue is fair enough, but it seems that users were not told this before they wasted their time. One player claims that even his level based on the PlayStation 3 was deleted. If a PS3-exclusive game can't even allow assets from its own platform ... that's a bit demented. The moderation is also inconsistent, with other copyright-breaking levels remaining completely untouched. Moderators are apparently looking into providing more feedback when deleting people's work, but that hasn't helped the people who've been screwed over so far.

This is a pretty sad issue, and seemingly one in a long line of problems associated with LBP. While it's true that Media Molecule can't be blamed for oppressive copyright, it kind of shows just how much of a problem user generated content is going to have on consoles. Using completely copyright-free assets for LBP is actually a pretty decimating limitation when you think about

White Knight Chronicles Site Update Includes New World, Character

A new update to the official Japanese White Knight Chronicles website shows us a brand new area in the game as well as a new character. The new area is rather woodsy, it seems, as we see nothing but log-ccabins, wood, and grass. The new character, who's name we do not know in English, has a Knight just as the main character does, and it's pretty freakin' bad-ass too. Check out the update at the official site.

SCEE: PS Home open beta still on track, talks on recession, price cuts

So we didn't see any PlayStation 3 price cuts this year. Will we at least see any next year?

The answer is a definite maybe. SCEE's executive VP Jim Ryan says "We'll look at pricing decisions for 2009 sometime in 2009. It's too early to tell."

On the other hand, he does say that Sony's gaming division doesn't seem to be affected by the economic recession, so that's promising:

The received wisdom on this is that when there's a recession, people stay at home and watch movies and play games. Everything that we've seen so far on sell-through for both hardware and software is that that's the case.

Our numbers don't seem to be affected so far, and we're tracking very nicely against our plans. This is a different economic climate to certainly anything I've experienced, so who can tell where it ends up? But as of now, we're happy the way sales are going.

[...] I think we will be less affected than most business categories.

Also, last we heard, the 45nm Cell Chip starts mass production next year...............

Valkyria Chronicles Gets a Price Drop


Having only been on store shelves for less than a week, Amazon have dropped the price of the PlayStation 3 exclusive from $59.99 to $49.99. A fantastic game at a fantastic price. I highly recommend anyone who was on the fence to pick this up as soon as possible.

PS3 Exclusive Game Quantum Theory Screenshots

http://www.cng4u.com/2008/11/09/quantum ... cept-arts/

(sorry couldn't post the screenshots because the thread can handel all the images and it destroys my post)

Dangerous LittleBigPlanet Glitch

PS3Life.nl reports that someone discovered a dangerous LittleBigPlanet glitch that will screw the whole game. When you make a so called 'Wheel of Doom' you will constantly die, even when you go to your POD, and also when you reboot your PlayStation 3. Hopefully Media Molecule will bring a patch out soon. Click on read more to see this glitch in action.

http://ps3life.nl/nieuws/1706-gevaarlij ... -gevonden/
(vid of glitch) (couldn't fit it on here thread can't handel it.

Chimera-like Japanese Resistance 2 box art

The Japananese Resistance 2 boxart popped on the internet.


Re: N4G Daily Updated PS INFO!

Postby cloud945076 » Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:35 am

hmmm..cool. :]
that sucks about your other thread.
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Re: N4G Daily Updated PS INFO!

Postby twistedblister » Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:36 am

Whats N 4 G ?

now i have no sig :-(
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Re: N4G Daily Updated PS INFO!

Postby Guest » Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:40 am

twistedblister wrote:Whats N 4 G ?

N4G is a news place for all platforms back to adding a bit into it.

Re: N4G Daily Updated PS INFO!

Postby twistedblister » Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:43 am

ohh wow. cool. i wont be able to afford this game till late or mid Dec but i will get it.

now i have no sig :-(
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Re: N4G Daily Updated PS INFO!

Postby Guest » Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:45 am

twistedblister wrote:ohh wow. cool. i wont be able to afford this game till late or mid Dec but i will get it.

Im still adding stuff once i finish this thread i will be adding a

PS3 fanboy thread
Kataku thread
Gametrailers thread

Re: N4G Daily Updated PS INFO!

Postby cloud945076 » Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:53 am

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Re: N4G Daily Updated PS INFO!

Postby Guest » Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:56 am

cloud945076 wrote:sweet

Yep enjoy I would do it all on one thread but i am sure the mass amount of info would decimate the thread and make it very laggy.

PS3 fanboy INFO Center Going up NOW!

Re: N4G Daily Updated PS INFO!

Postby cloud945076 » Sun Nov 09, 2008 12:01 pm

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Re: N4G Daily Updated PS INFO!

Postby Guest » Sun Nov 09, 2008 12:05 pm

cloud945076 wrote:woot!

yeah now i gotta figure out my new schedule

Bros( who use computers)
Plus an hour of updating this.

Oh well ill fit some social time in.

BTW updates may be offschedule somedays i will try to give early warning if they will be offschedule.

Re: N4G Daily Updated PS INFO!

Postby cloud945076 » Sun Nov 09, 2008 12:19 pm

wow...busy much?
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Re: N4G Daily Updated PS INFO!

Postby Guest » Sun Nov 09, 2008 12:21 pm

cloud945076 wrote:wow...busy much?

yeah i might cut the Gametrailers thread but i think it might only take 5 minutes hint the name


Re: N4G PS INFO! 11/09/08 v1.10

Postby Guest » Sun Nov 09, 2008 6:03 pm

Updated with new resistance article!

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