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New Member Introductions



Postby Kalm20 » Sun Nov 16, 2008 1:23 pm

Kalm20 finally registering after DWOMT told me about the clan. Had some errors but now I'm (thanks a bunch Mobicube). I'm a Warhawk kinda guy mainly but I'm looking to get Resistance 2 among some other games. Online wise I have GTA 4, MGS4, Soul Calibur 4 and NBA 2K8. Also have Skate.

To Mobicube:-The errors came when I was trying to register. It said someone had my sign-in name even after I got the email. Then I tried to log in and it said invalid sign-in name/password. Everything's good now though so thanks again.

PSN: Kalm20

That's it. Let's kick some tail.
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Re: Newcomer

Postby cloud945076 » Sun Nov 16, 2008 1:26 pm

hey buddy. :]
welcome to the clan. :)
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Re: Newcomer

Postby hippo999 » Sun Nov 16, 2008 1:31 pm

sup im an asian gangsta
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Re: Newcomer

Postby DWOMT » Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:31 pm

Hey Kalm you made it! Welcome man! Twistedblister should be sending you your clan invite sometime today. I am glad you're with us. All that we ask of our members Kalm is to check the forums when you can, because we plan and schedule all our battles here. I also moderate the Warhawk practice session of the forum, so keep an eye out there. Also if you want to be in our Warhawk tournaments on weekends, sign up in the Gamebattles section for Warhawk. Glad to have you here!

And guys, Kalm is an incredible pilot! Me and him kept shooting each other down and wasting everyone else who got in our way LOL. He's very talented. With me, him, Gab, fish, Vash, and tyson in the skies we'd dominate.

Oh and Kalm Noodlez is forming our clan up in the Resistance 2 multi player, so when you get the game feel free to check that out too. :yeh:
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Re: Newcomer

Postby RYANMILLER36 » Tue Dec 09, 2008 7:49 pm

DWOMT wrote:Hey Kalm you made it! Welcome man! Twistedblister should be sending you your clan invite sometime today. I am glad you're with us. All that we ask of our members Kalm is to check the forums when you can, because we plan and schedule all our battles here. I also moderate the Warhawk practice session of the forum, so keep an eye out there. Also if you want to be in our Warhawk tournaments on weekends, sign up in the Gamebattles section for Warhawk. Glad to have you here!

And guys, Kalm is an incredible pilot! Me and him kept shooting each other down and wasting everyone else who got in our way LOL. He's very talented. With me, him, Gab, fish, Vash, and tyson in the skies we'd dominate.

Oh and Kalm Noodlez is forming our clan up in the Resistance 2 multi player, so when you get the game feel free to check that out too. :yeh:

Lol not a very big welcoming comittee this time. Any way, welcome :shck:
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