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Global Warfare

Global Warfare

Postby fishki » Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:19 pm

Ok guys the new tourney site is almost finished, still working on the header.
Go check it out, sign up some fake teams, report matches and so on so I can see if there are any bugs, please try to use any link you can, so I can get any bugs out. right now the FORUM just links you back here, but I will be changing that.

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Re: Global Warfare

Postby WHO_99 » Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:24 pm

dude can you make me a mod on the site??? i know about ladders and stuff.
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Re: Global Warfare

Postby fishki » Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:25 pm

first things first....i gotta get any bugs out....and it is almost 100% automated, not really much to do :pick:
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Re: Global Warfare

Postby WHO_99 » Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:28 pm

haha ok sweet
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Re: Global Warfare

Postby Noodlez » Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:32 pm

sweeet stuff fish...ill start promotion if you want :)
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Re: Global Warfare

Postby fishki » Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:42 pm

hey noodlez, give me a day or two to get my header built and put up ok.
hey im supposing you want a R2 tourny going also

Actualy I need a list of games, both PS3 and XBOX to get listed.
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Re: Global Warfare

Postby Noodlez » Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:43 pm

i don't need a resistance ladder....killzone will be just fine....lol..if you need help with the game list lemme kno...
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Re: Global Warfare

Postby fishki » Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:45 pm

ok im letting you know, I do need a game list and their platform

I am tired and taking a break.
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Re: Global Warfare

Postby Noodlez » Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:58 pm

ill PM u a list in about an hour or so
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Re: Global Warfare

Postby hippo999 » Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:30 pm

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Re: Global Warfare

Postby fishki » Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:04 pm

TB...how did this rule use to be?

The higher ranked team at match time will host the first map. The lower ranked team at match time will host the second map. This will alternate for each map if/until a tie breaker map is needed, when the team that has won the most combined rounds will host the final map. If there is a tie in rank (i.e. both are unranked), the Team ID closest to 0 will host first. If there is a tie in round count, the lower ranked team will host the tie breaker map. The host may not force launch the game.
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Re: Global Warfare

Postby hippo999 » Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:30 pm

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Re: Global Warfare

Postby fishki » Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:32 pm

hippo what are you wowing about?
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Re: Global Warfare

Postby hippo999 » Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:33 pm

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Re: Global Warfare

Postby twistedblister » Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:23 am

fishki wrote:TB...how did this rule use to be?

The higher ranked team at match time will host the first map. The lower ranked team at match time will host the second map. This will alternate for each map if/until a tie breaker map is needed, when the team that has won the most combined rounds will host the final map. If there is a tie in rank (i.e. both are unranked), the Team ID closest to 0 will host first. If there is a tie in round count, the lower ranked team will host the tie breaker map. The host may not force launch the game.

the previous rule was simple highest ranked team hosted.

or just as simple in GGL the team who challanges hosts.

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Re: Global Warfare

Postby WHO_99 » Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:33 am

plz don't make the rules as complicated on your site fish
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Re: Global Warfare

Postby twistedblister » Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:42 am


ha. who. i think that is what spured him on somewhat.

I like the front page. very sleek and slick.

now i have no sig :-(
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Re: Global Warfare

Postby WHO_99 » Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:48 am

hey man i think i found a bug in the site. every time i sign on i have to do it like 2 or 3 times before i actually get on and also i say save my password but it never does
Ryan voted for me!!!

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Re: Global Warfare

Postby fishki » Sun Jan 18, 2009 1:06 am

WHO_99 wrote:plz don't make the rules as complicated on your site fish

The rules are really not that complicated
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Re: Global Warfare

Postby hippo999 » Sun Jan 18, 2009 1:08 am

fish can nemo sign up for windows live?
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Re: Global Warfare

Postby fishki » Sun Jan 18, 2009 1:24 am

Can some one please read thru the rules and make sure there are no references to GGL....i copied their rules :yeh:

Its on the first ladder listed "Team Ladder"
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Re: Global Warfare

Postby hippo999 » Sun Jan 18, 2009 1:26 am

I want to mod the CoD part! You know how good I am at CoD fish. :haha:
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Re: Global Warfare

Postby SecretAgentKat » Sun Jan 18, 2009 1:46 am

Ok guys you know you can't truelly make this site partial to RRB if you want other clans to paricipate? Just getting that clear. Fish you want a list ill get you one like now lol.

End War
Far Cry 2
Fifa Soccer 09
GH world tour
Madden NFL 09
Mortal Combat vs DC universe
Nascar 09
NBA live 09
Need For Speed Undercover
NHL 09
Rock band
Rock band 2
soul caliber
wipeout HD

Those are most of the ps3 ones featured on GB + or minus 3 lol

Hey just one thing can i be a admin for the warhawk section not lead but a dispute admin i don't mean site admin but each game will or should have admin categories with people or aren't to biast im not really at all i just like settling arguements lol. I hate some clans like BSK but i agree NmE vs BSK BSK should have got the win. Just a request if im denied thats cool man!

Ummm xbox list soon!
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Re: Global Warfare

Postby SecretAgentKat » Sun Jan 18, 2009 2:13 am

I am impressed by the site but i am taking this as a beta and pointing out some flaws if you don't mind.

-Not user friendly with certain options such as ladder sign ups (bar where multiple games are listed would be perfered like Gamebattles to find games quicker and be much smoother
-Needs site forum
-Interface needs changing something more welcoming custom made
-Site is otherwise quick and easy to get around no load times or lag
-Nice profile customizations
-Need staff lol
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Re: Global Warfare

Postby SecretAgentKat » Sun Jan 18, 2009 2:17 am

Flaws found in rules for warhawk highlighted in red!

Ladder Settings:
- 80 points awarded for a win (regular win or forfeit win)
- 20 points awarded for playing (win or lose)
(i.e. if you play and win you get a total of 100 points (80 + 20), if you play and lose you get 20 points.)
- 50 points LOST if you forfeit a match

Game Settings & Specifications:
Settings: Any setting not listed below should be left at default
Server Options
Name: GGL Match
Password: None
Type: Player Clan
Eucadian/Chernovan Clans: The team not hosting chooses the side they would like. Please post this in the match comments prior to the start of the match.
Max/Min players: Minimum 8, Maximum 16
Max Rank: General
Spawn Delay: 10 seconds
Start Delay: 15 seconds
Advanced Options
Use Wrench/Bio-Field: Yes (Default)
Enable Voice: Yes (Default)
All Talk: No (Default)
Allow Team Switch: Yes (Default)
Randomize Teams: No
Friendly Fire: 100%
Allow Split Screen: No
Intermission Time: Unlimited
Game Options
Map Rotation: 1 of 1 (Default)
Game Map: Maps will be randomly selected from the Map Pool Section (see below)
Game Mode: Zones
Map Layout: See below – noted in parenthesis after the map name.
Score Limit: Unlimited
Time Limit: 20
Match Rounds: 1

Map Selection: During the Ladder, the Global Warfare system will randomly assign maps from the Map Pool below to each officially scheduled match. Maps will be posted on the “Match Details” page for each match.

Map Pool:
Archipelago (Acropolis Assault)
Archipelago (Southern Islands)
Badlands (Skirmish)
Destroyed Capitol (King of the Hill)
Eucadia (Valley Battle)
Eucadia (High vs Low)
Island Outpost (Installation)
Island Outpost (Over The Bridges)
Island Outpost (Bridge Out)

Need more maps

Match Scheduling: Competitors schedule matches themselves through Global Warfare’s ladder challenge tools. First, one squad challenges another squad in the ladder, proposing three dates/times for the match. The squad that receives the challenge then has the option of either accepting one of the proposed times, in which case the match is officially scheduled, or responding with three alternate times. If the original challenger does not agree to any of the alternate times, they may drop the challenge with no penalty, but if they accept one of the alternate times then the match is officially scheduled. “Instant Challenges” may be issued or declined with no penalty. Matches once scheduled can not be altered without the agreement of both squads. Failure to show up to compete within 10 minutes of a scheduled match time will result in a forfeit loss (with point penalty) for the squad that does not show up, and a forfeit win for the squad that does. Declining a challenge without proposing alternate times will also result in a point penalty. Squads can challenge and play as often as they wish, within the guidelines of the ladder rules.

The official time zone for the tournament will be Eastern Standard Time. *** NOTE – once a player is logged in, all times on the website appear in that player’s native time zone, chosen during the registration process. It is important that each player make sure he/she has set the correct time zone – players can edit their time zone through the “Edit Account” link.

Match Squad Size: The two squads can agree on any squad size before the match begins (the squads can negotiate the squad size using the comments section of the “Match Details” page for their particular match). If the two squads can not agree on a squad size, the default squad size is 8v8.

Substitutions/Alternates/Ringers: Once a match begins, no substitutions are allowed. (Note: Once the first map is launched, that is considered the start of the match.) If a player(s) needs to be replaced due to console failure, hospitalization, or another serious incident occurs rendering a player (or players) unable to play, contact an admin to have that player replaced with another player on your Squad Roster. Only players on your Squad Roster on the Global Warfare site are permitted to participate in a match in this competition. If an illegal player is used, an Administrator must be notified before the start of the match or else there will be no penalty for the duration of the match.

Match Format: All matches will be a single map only. In the event a map ends in a tie, restart the same map with the same settings and continue to replay the map until a winner is determined. A single map will count as each team playing on both sides.

PS Online ID: You MUST use a valid PS Online ID (NO GUEST ACCOUNTS), and you must include your PS Online ID in your Global Warfare profile. DO NOT change your PS Online ID during the ladder. If you change your PS Online ID without permission from a Tournament Administrator, you may be suspended or banned from the ladder.

Match Hosting: The host must be agreed upon by all players. You may test all hosts until the best one has been determined. The host must be one of the players participating in the match. Default rule: The squad who received the challenge will host the match. Optional rule: If one of the players has an excellent connection that all of the players ping fairly to, both squads may agree to use that host for the duration of the match.

Sides: Each team must switch sides at the end of a map. Some games may require the map to be launched again from the lobby. Note that this still counts as a single map of play. The squad who does not host chooses which side they would like to play first.

Match Interruption: If any player loses his/her connection before the map starts (during map load time for example) or before any scores are recorded (kills, captures, tickets, etc.), restart the map once the player has rejoined the game lobby or a substitute from the squad’s official roster has joined. If a player loses his/her connection mid game, continue playing as normal. If the host drops, the hosting squad will receive a forfeit for that map.

Lag Test Round and Internet Issues: Due to the unpredictable nature of the Internet, it is highly recommended that teams mix players (i.e. In a 4v4, 2 members from each team per side) so they can communicate about the connection and start a test game for about two full minutes to test the host’s connection and make sure the game settings are correct (spawn times, capture points, etc.). If a host is unacceptable, continue testing connections until one can be found. Once the official match has started, any lag issues that arise are to be considered out of players control and the match should continue as normal.

Match Disputes: Players must provide some sort of proof (picture, video, etc.) along with their match disputes. Failure to do so may render your dispute invalid. Choosing to continue to play the match may render the dispute invalid.

Glitches/Exploits: Players are forbidden from using any game or hardware glitches or exploits to gain or attempt to gain an advantage. If an area within the game is accessible due to an exploit or bug in the map, then that location is off limits. If a player uses such an area to hide, the game Admin may incur a suitable penalty which may include a forfeit of the match or a disqualification from the tournament. If you are unsure whether an area is considered off limits, ask an Admin before your match. Use of any glitch or exploit will result in a forfeit loss and potential suspension or banning (for the player and/or the entire squad) from the competition, at the Tournament Admin’s discretion.
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