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Warhawk Talk

You Joined now you are quiting care to tell us why

Re: You Joined now you are quiting care to tell us why

Postby DWOMT » Fri Dec 19, 2008 8:11 pm

tyson983 wrote:well... i decided to leave the clan. nothing personal just with school, new job, etc... there just isn't time any more play and i hate being in something that I'm not participating.

awww you make me sad tyson. You're an incredible pilot. We hate to lose you. You're more than welcome to be a part time member, but if you truly have to go we'll understand. It was nice having you with us though :(
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Re: You Joined now you are quiting care to tell us why

Postby twistedblister » Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:59 pm

ditto but thanks for posting. no hard feelings i know it takes time to post and i for one appreciate it.. its hard to keep track of everything and if we can learn from players needs then maybe as we adjust more of you might come back someday. good luck and hope to paly with you on the servers.

now i have no sig :-(
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