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Tomb Raider Underworld (PS3)

Tomb Raider Underworld (PS3)

Postby gabrile23 » Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:36 pm

Tomb Raider Underworld Review
Tomb Underworld is the newest installment of the long running series. This game is a continuation of the story from TR Legend. You are looking for lara croft's long missing mother who was sent through a magic portal. If you haven't played the last game and have no idea what im talking about don't worry. The game creators have a video in the game reviewing the story of last game. Legend was focused on King Arthur lore while Underworld focuses on Norse myth. Which is an odd leap.
A warning ther are a few glitchs you can get stuck in as i have found out.
Overall not a bad story. You'll meet up with old and new characters from previous games. The story keeps the game going with some twist but not many. Its a very short game it may take you a day or two to beat it.
Game play.
They added a few new things not much. You can now attack while climbing and you also interact with the environment by pushing branches out of the way and get dirt on her body. Not that exciting right. The most intresting thing is the ability to melee attack which you have to do to kill certain enemys. You still have the adrenaline rush ability but its been tweaked a bit from the previous. A adrenaline rush attack uses your adrenaline meter to slow down time and deliver a well place shot too an enemys head and kills it instantly. Its very easy to use after a few trys. Theirs no need looking for new weapons or ammo as you progress through the game. All the weapons you need are selectable from the beging of the game Harpoon, shotgun, uzies, M16, and of course your twin pistols. Theirs no need to worry about ammo for your weapons they all have lots of ammo and they get refilled at the end of each level. I almost forgot you also have stick grenades which are very strong and you start with six of them.
Not that you have to worry. Most of the time you'll fight a few animals of verying size and a few humans now and then that aren't very smart. Near the end of the game the enemys get a little harder intill you get...aahh nevermind.
Not much replay hear. You can unlock some art and photos by collelecting relics that range from easy to thorwing your controler across the room. Increscing the diffulty lvl won't change the game much.

The good.
-Its lura croft!
-Nice environments
-Fun fighting system

The bad
-Enemys are mostly too easy to kill
-short game and repeat levels
-no true boss fights
-almost no replay value
-no time trials for ps3 version

I was disapointed with no unlockables and a very short and some what easy game it does'nt live up to it potenchel. I wanted more verity with levels and enemys. Its a beautiful looking game with lots of great parts. But their is no real depth to the game which is what critics of Tomb Raider have allways said.
4 out of 10 from me.
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Re: Tomb Raider Underworld (PS3)

Postby fishki » Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:56 pm

I agree with the first statement under "The Good"
I hate it when the voices in my head go silent.....I never know what those fuckers are up to.
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Re: Tomb Raider Underworld (PS3)

Postby stickcult » Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:18 pm

fishki wrote:I agree with the first statement under "The Good"

Ryan pwnd me.
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Re: Tomb Raider Underworld (PS3)

Postby gabrile23 » Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:07 pm

I agree with you guy she's a hot game girl. This game was that good id get anniversary or legend much better games.
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